Interested in becoming a Lutheran Franciscan? Learn more here!
The process of becoming a member of this religious order is rigorous. It isn't like joining a club; it isn’t even like joining a church. It’s a long and winding journey of discerning God's will for your life, specifically whether you have a calling to vowed religious life in this particular order.

Our formation process unfolds in the following way:
Postulancy: A formal inquiry process that includes a minimum of twelve months learning more about the Order and our General Rule and practices, completing simple formation reflections, and growing in relationship with the siblings of the Order. Postulants are not yet vowed siblings of the OLF.
Novitiate: This is the first stage of membership in the life of the Order. An approved person makes initial annually renewable vows as a Novice. Novices participate in intentional formation within a cohort, where they learn more about our Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, as they begin to live the life of a Lutheran Franciscan. The novitiate lasts for at least five years.
Life Profession: Once all the requirements of the Novitiate have been completed, and after deliberation with formation ministers, those recommended and approved for life profession make permanent Vows and become a lifelong member of the Order.

Friends of the Order (sometimes known as associates or oblates in other religious communities) are those who are called to accompany the sisters and brothers of this Order with prayer, financial support, advocacy, and through participation at events and gatherings of the Order. Those interested in starting Postulancy begin as Friends of the Order, and may move to postulancy after a period of at least six months. Others may remain a Friend of the Order with an annually renewable covenant of commitment to the OLF.